Free money making opportunity

只要電腦開著就可以賺錢 超輕鬆! 註冊好以後下載安裝他們的軟體(防毒要關,會被判定有害病毒,但實際上並沒有病毒)
之後只要開機軟體自動執行 右下角會有執行程式的圖示


Login: 帳號 至少3個字
Password: 密碼 至少4個字
Verify password: 確認密碼
First, tell us where we can send your checks
First name:姓
Last name:名
Street address:住址 地址需中翻英 不會翻的請看中華郵政
Zip/Postal code:郵遞區號
Country:國家 選Taiwan
E-mail address:電子信箱
Verify e-mail address:確認電子信箱
Now, please tell us more about yourself
Year of birth:生日西元年       Gender:Male男 / Female女
Education:教育程度             Annual household income:收入 
Industry:職業                       Title:職務
Additional Information 興趣 全勾
Please tell us about your interests. (check all that apply)
Please tell us what you search for or buy online and our partners from Postmaster Direct will send you third party offers targeted to your interests*. (check all that apply)
請告訴我們您搜尋或網上購買我們的合作夥伴直接從香港郵政署長將向您發送第三方提供針對您的興趣 *. (選擇所有適用)

*After you press Submit, we'll send you a confirmation email that will require subscription activation. Click the link in the "Just One More Step" confirmation email and we'll start searching the Web to find you the deals you're looking for.

Earn cash by subscribing to receive special offers and announcements from our partners. Please read our Privacy Policy and be assured that your e-mail address will not be shared without your permission.

按提交後,我們會向您發送一封確認電子郵件,需要訂閱激活。 點擊“只需一步”確認電子郵件中的鏈接,我們將開始搜索網頁,找到您要查找的交易。
通過訂閱獲得我們合作夥伴的特別優惠和公告來賺取現金。 請閱讀我們的隱私政策,並確保您的電子郵件地址不會在未經您的許可的情況下共享。 

Payment Information
Preferred check size:選50    
Referral Information 支付的方式
Referred by: andrewyi930
Sharing your opinion pays off! Fill out Surveys from top market research firms today.不負有心人分享您的意見!今天填寫調查自上而下的市場研究公司。 這個不用勾

I have read and understand the Member Agreement. 我有同意會員條款 請打勾



New Member Bonus: 新會員獎勵:
Sign up for the offer below and you will receive 6,000 Bonus Points! 註冊為提供以下,您將收到6000點紅利!
The offer is completely FREE. 這一提議是完全免費的。
This is a ONE-TIME OPPORTUNITY: You can sign up for the offer and get 6,000 Bonus Points only here and now. 這是一個一次性機會:你可以申請這項建議,並獲得紅利點數 6,000只在此時此地。
You can't return to this page once you leave it! 一旦你離開它您不能返回此頁!

Note: Points from this offer will appear in your account as "pending" until we receive confirmation from the advertiser that you made a valid signup. 
After you sign up for the offer, click here to continue!

當你登錄的提供,請點擊這裡繼續! 按下click here to continue! 後

會出現 Download FiestaBar 按下去下載程式 FiestaBarInstall.exe

下再後點兩下 按I Agree > Next > Install > Next > Finish

輸入帳密 OK 接著你螢幕上方就會有他的廣告

螢幕右下角 $ 號變綠色代表有在賺,
如果變成橘紅色的,就把滑鼠在廣告左邊的睡眠的FiestaBoy(click here),然後會有個FiestaBoy在走動點擊他,就變成綠色開始運作,

    創作者 Andrewyi 的頭像


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